Hey hey hey, whats up my mofos~~~ XD
Had a first IG battle today, i came in second with my partner Leo. Baik lor. All of you did well man, i am proud to have you as my ig-mates and as my friends. Dont sweat it if people laugh when you fall, when you choke, when you space out, when your style is different. Dont feel bad, those are the things that make us who we are. We learn from it, and become better and better. To all of you, dont lose the passion, keep it close. AIITE~~
Coming Friday i'ma proud man. Why, cause it my birthday, and yours, and yours too, and you too in the green shirt reading this. Its national day, every single singaporean's birthday. I love my country, no? hahah
I DO~~~~
Also, You are all officially invited to MA BIRTHDAY PARTY !!!!!!!
25-26 AUG( people from W35B,E36P,W65B,W65A,W67H)
26-27 AUG( people from SGC(yes,including you larry and michelle),plus siyang lol)
Venue : Aloha Changi Biggin hills A
Sms me if you are coming aiite. XD